The artists were in the van with Rosalinda at the wheel and we were in the back of the family car with Stefano driving and the Canadian's Kerry and Kathy in the front. It was about 40 minutes into the trip of about one hour that Katie had a case of car sickness. Unfortunately we weren't able to stop in time so the Canadians jumped in with the Artists and Rosalinda, while Stefano turned us around and we returned to LaMaesta.
It was the next unexpected event that we will place as a highlight of this trip.
After freshening up we went down the hill and found Stefano cleaning out the back of the car, offering assistance, which he wouldn't take we then played with the cats and tried to make conversation with Virginia. Rosalinda's mother Lila then appeared and with many hand movements and "non capisco" (I do not understand) we came to the realisation she was offering us a sandwich of cheese and salad.
We continued to sit around until we were called into the confines of Lila's domain, the kitchen! To our surprise there was no cheese and salad sandwich, but the kitchen table set with plates, bowls, knives and forks. We had been invited to lunch with the family, Lila, Rosalinda, Stefano and Virginia.
Lila was making a basic risotto, boiling arborio rice in water and olive oil, which we then placed on top as much parmigiano reggiano cheese as was needed, for flavouring. Next was some of the lovely sliced beef from last nights dinner with a fresh salad direct from the garden and finally cheese and bread; not just one cheese there were about five massive blocks we were to carve into and enjoy.
Lunch was simple, homely, friendly, relaxed, delicious, fresh and memorable. There was laughter, and conversations in both Italian and English as well as Ital-glish.
From our window |
In the afternoon we spent some time in the pool. Why is the pool always so cold when you first get in??
270 degree view from our balcony |
Poor Katie hope your all better , and now it's 1 all. Xx