
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Baci from Italy

Baci Perugina: the Italian chocolate with the love note.

These chocolates are more popular than Ferrero Rocher or Lindt balls in Italy and are available in most Bars, Cafe's or Supermarkets.

We have found them in three varieties, Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate and Dark Chocolate. Katie prefers the white I prefer the dark.

They come in various packaging, in singular form or in multi pack also, but what makes them more interesting is the little slips of paper that are included in the foil wrapping.

Below I have included some of the love notes, unedited as they appear on the slips.

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.

Joyfully Love seemed to me to hold my heart in his hand.

A great friendship cannot be described, only experienced.

The greatest things are said in silence.

Love conquers all and we must yield to Love.

Love wells up from the hearts excess of liking.

One day I loved you tenderly, I love you now.

A loving heart is forever young.

Love me for the sake of loving, always and forever.

Never close your lips to those who opened their heart to you.

The soul is entirely defeated by love.

It is always a treat to receive Baci from a friend but more of a surprise to read the message.

Today we are leaving Rome and you are welcome to follow our flight.

We expect to arrive in Hong Kong around 06:30 am local time (09:30 AEDT)

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