
Friday, August 19, 2016

Bags packed time to go

It is hard to believe that the time has come and we are about to leave on our latest journey, this time through Switzerland and Italy. As you may know it has been over 18 months in the planning and promises many differing experiences.

Travelling be it locally, nationally or even globally is something Australians do well, it is practically in our genes. We come from a nation of explorers and
the explorers have come from the world over. Whilst traveling we try not to judge or impose our personal views, but we do learn others views and opinions.

Some may think that different cultures have vastly different opinions from us but when this is broken down to the base elements all cultures have the same basic views and opinions.  I have found no matter where a person is from we all,
  • Have a need to be loved
  • Want to give love to another
  • Be part of a family
  • Live in a violence and war free environment
  • Have access to fresh food and water
  • Have accommodation, a place to call home, 
  • Have time to be free, 
  • Have access to education
  • Have access to work.
These are basic things that all people need and should be able to have.

Quite often people forget what they need in life or confuse it with what they want. While not having what they want they think their lives are incomplete, worthless or even worse. Some times if the needs are met then the wants disappear, I find that giving myself a gentle reminder of my needs and that they are met, does quite often alleviate the bad feelings.

Whilst only travelling to Switzerland and Italy this time we still expect to see vast differences in cultures and customs than those we are accustomed to in Australia.  I will be reporting on these in coming posts. 

Finally, the bags have been in the lounge room packed for the last 5 nights, totally un aware of the journey they also are about to endure.

Only, future blogs will tell.

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