
Friday, April 10, 2015

Will she make it over the strait?

It was a great way to spend our last morning in Tasmania, with a little sleep in, it was crisp outside.

Today being our last day in Tasmania we only had one question on our minds, even if we didn't talk about it. Would she make it? We weren't worried about the car, or getting to the Spirit of Tasmania on time, we were both worried if Katie would make Bass Strait without illness.

Leaving Strahan around 9 we headed north and passed through Zeehan, then through more of the wilderness and into Rosebery.  We stopped in town, had a coffee and then moved on to Burnie. On route just out of Rosebery a detour was made to Murchison Dam, such a quiet place with just us there.

We stopped into the Burnie information Centre, which also doubles as a place where 'makers' can work and sell their wares. Mostly there are jewellery types.

We also did the paper makers tour which was very interesting and even got to make our own paper. This was a great distraction from the upcoming voyage across Bass Straight.

Rather than taking the Bass highway to Devonport we followed the more scenic route along the coast through the towns of Penguin and Ulverstone.

Devonport was our final destination today and there was still time before check-in to explore the Bass Strait Maritime Centre. This centre is dedicated to providing visitors information, and that it did. There is a great mix of things to do here and was thoroughly enjoyed.

The time had finally come and we had checked in. 

Rather than having such a restless night we upgraded from the Ocean Recliner to our own room, with the hope this would help Katie's sea legs. 

Around 12 hours later we arrived in Melbourne, Katie slept through, no sickness.
Good morning, Melbourne!

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