Today was our first experience of the Roman train system, and over all was good. We started the day with a Taxi ride past the Colloseum to the Pyramid this was the beginning of today's tour.
Ostia Anticia was today's venue and basically it is an old port town of Rome from the ancient roman times, which was silted over by the flooding of the Tiber river and has been excavated over many years.
Before starting any tour there is a little standing around and today was no exception. Saying that, we noticed two gentlemen who appeared to have a great interest in all the belongings of our group. While nothing was taken on this occasion, you must agree from this sneaky shot they do them selves look sneaky.
Ostia Antica is connected via a 15 minute train ride on the Metro system, and apart from some strange people (as there are on all metros) it was a pretty uneventful ride.
On arrival we were taken back in to time, to a period of 200B.C. I will not go into all the details of the tour as I will most likely not do justice to the site, however here are some photos from the tour.
and that is the end of todays blog...