
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

End. Ende. Fine

Well, that has to be it, we are now sitting in Rome airport waiting for flight EK098 to take us homeward bound, or at least as far as Dubai.  There will be a short stopover then on the next flight to home.

Today we had a final breakfast and then took Tony and Norma to the local train station near our Agriturismo. Then we headed back and loaded our own bags. Our car Felix the Peugeot has been fantastic, but wouldn't have been able to handle all of our bags so the double trip was needed.


Felix was a great all-rounder.  Nice and small, which is super in the small towns, great on fuel. I think we only filled up about 4 or five times. He wasn't great on big hills or on the highway but was acceptable for our needs.

In the time we had the little Felix we covered around 2800KM or on average 150 per day.

Thanks Felix.

So after leaving the Agriturismo we headed across Italy, basically from the calf to the shin. The Autostrada was good and the view was picturesque.

It was a quiet trip as coming to the end of another European adventure we are both a little weary.

Well, it was quiet until we got on the Roma ring road. There was no specific issue, but this road is busy. With many on and off-ramps along with many Roman's that I believe must have learnt to drive in horse-drawn chariots.

It is always good for us to look back at these blogs and we will once we have our feet back on the ground. One question we are commonly asked is why do we blog and the other is what do you do with it. Well, I can tell you it isn't for the money, and it isn't for fame. We have a strong following of about 30 people, who love to be part of our trip. We like to keep this record of our trips and have done both overseas and in Australia since 2012. The other reason is we actually get the blog printed in hardcover and keep each one on our bookshelf.

So with this being the final blog for Europe 19, thankyou for reading, following and big thanks to all those who made comments, it is much appreciated.

All going to plan we will be home sometime around midnight Wednesday (or early Thursday morning) and before too long will be with family and friends telling in more detail some of our adventures and even misadventures.

For now, Ciao but soon G'Day!